Robitussin Cocktail Recipe

Robitussin Cocktail Nutrition Facts





Alcohol %:20

Created by

Nic Polotnianko

I fell in love with the art of mixology 6 years ago. Since then, I've honed my skills, crafting a myriad of cocktail recipes, and sharing my passion with other enthusiasts.

Last Updated: August 23, 2024


The Robitussin cocktail is a bit of an oddball in the cocktail world. It's named after the popular cough syrup due to its similar appearance and somewhat medicinal taste. It's a favorite among those who enjoy unique and unusual cocktails. It's not for the faint-hearted, but if you're adventurous and enjoy trying new things, this might just be the cocktail for you.

How Robitussin Cocktail Tastes?

The Robitussin cocktail has a unique, medicinal taste. It's sweet, with a hint of bitterness and a strong, robust flavor. The cherry and mint notes from the ingredients give it a refreshing aftertaste.

Interesting facts about Robitussin Cocktail

  • The Robitussin cocktail is named after the popular cough syrup due to its similar appearance and taste.
  • It's a favorite among those who enjoy unique and unusual cocktails.
  • Despite its unusual taste, it has a refreshing aftertaste thanks to the cherry and mint ingredients.


  • Cherry brandy: 1 oz(30ml)
  • Mint liqueur: 1 oz(30ml)
  • Red food coloring: 1 drop

Cherry Brandy

Made from macerated cherries, Cherry Brandy offers a sweet and fruity base that anchors the cocktail. Using the just right 1oz ensures a balanced sweetness that doesn’t overpower. If you skimp on it, you risk a lackluster body, but too much might send you into a saccharine spiral. Swap it for raspberry liqueur for a berry twist that's just as cheeky!

Emma Rose

Mint Liqueur

This brings a cool, refreshing counter to the Cherry Brandy’s sweetness. One ounce is the minty sweet spot; less and you might miss the herbal undertone, more and you're in toothpaste territory. No Mint Liqueur? Try using crème de menthe for a similar vibe but with a sharper, more intense minty flavor.

Alex Green

Red Food Coloring

Aesthetic is key, and a single drop maintains the cocktail’s alluring ruby hue without turning it into a crimson tide. Go without and your drink may look a tad pale, but the taste remains unscathed. Omitting it isn't a sin, the flavor won’t change—your cocktail will just dress down a bit.

Mary Mitkina

Recipe. How to make Robitussin Cocktail Drink

  1. Pour 1oz of cherry brandy into a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add 1oz of mint liqueur.
  3. Add a drop of red food coloring.
  4. Shake well until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  5. Strain the mixture into a cocktail glass.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

Pro Tips

  • Make sure to shake the cocktail shaker well to thoroughly mix the ingredients.
  • You can adjust the amount of red food coloring to achieve the desired color.

Perfect Pairings

Chocolate Desserts

The sweetness and richness of chocolate desserts can harmonize with the cherry notes while the mint provides a refreshing counterpoint.

Cheese Platter

A cheese platter featuring creamy cheeses like Brie or Camembert can complement the fruit and herbal notes of the cocktail.

Grilled Meats

Grilled meats with a slight char can contrast nicely with the sweetness and minty freshness, particularly if a sweet glaze or sauce is involved.

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What you could change in Robitussin Cocktail

  • Cherry Brandy: You can substitute with any other fruit brandy.
  • Mint Liqueur: You can substitute with peppermint schnapps or any other mint-flavored liqueur.

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And of course - twists🍹

HoneyBerry Hush

  • Substitute Cherry Brandy with Raspberry Liqueur
  • Add 0.5oz Honey Syrup
  • Use a fresh mint leaf garnish

Recipe: Mix raspberry liqueur with mint liquer and honey syrup along with the red food coloring. The cocktail adopt a slightly more tart profile with a hint of natural sweetness from the honey, complementing an autumn evening.

Mint Chocolate Sip

  • Add 0.5oz Crème de Cacao
  • A small pinch of cocoa powder for garnish

Recipe: Blend cherry brandy, mint liqueur, crème de cacao, and a drop of red food coloring. It’s a dessert in a glass, delivering a chocolatey note that pairs blissfully with the mint.

Citrus Surge

  • Use Lemon Liqueur instead of Mint Liqueur
  • Add a twist of lemon peel as garnish

Recipe: Combine cherry brandy, lemon liqueur, and a drop of red food coloring. The drink becomes a tangy treat, the lemon zest bringing a zing that electrifies the sweet warmth of the cherry brandy.

In case you forgot basics how to make Robitussin Cocktail

Add your ingredients to the shaker first, then ice. Fill it up to ¾ of its capacity to ensure enough space for shaking. Hold the shaker with both hands (one on the top and one on the bottom) and shake vigorously. The shake should come from your shoulders, not your wrists.

Learn everything on how to shake

Place your chosen strainer on top of the shaker or mixing glass, ensuring a secure fit. Pour the cocktail into a glass through the strainer, which will catch solid ingredients and ice. If double straining, hold the fine mesh strainer between the shaker and the glass.

Learn everything on how to strain

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Frequently Asked Questions on Robitussin Cocktail

Can I make a Robitussin cocktail without a cocktail shaker?

Yes, you can. However, using a shaker ensures the ingredients are mixed properly to get the full flavor.

What other cocktails can I try if I like the Robitussin cocktail?

If you enjoy unique cocktails, you might like the absinthe-based Sazerac or the bitters-forward Negroni.

Is cherry brandy similar to regular brandy?

Cherry brandy differs from regular brandy as it is made from cherries instead of grapes. It usually also has a sweeter taste.

Is the Robitussin cocktail usually served with any food?

The Robitussin cocktail, like many cocktails, can be enjoyed on its own or with light appetizers.

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