Vodka 7 Cocktail Recipe

Vodka 7 Nutrition Facts






Created by

Nic Polotnianko

I fell in love with the art of mixology 6 years ago. Since then, I've honed my skills, crafting a myriad of cocktail recipes, and sharing my passion with other enthusiasts.

Last Updated: August 23, 2024


The Vodka 7, also known as a Vodka Seven or Vodka Lemon, is a simple yet refreshing highball cocktail that has been enjoyed for decades. It's a go-to for those who appreciate the crisp bite of vodka paired with the effervescence and sweetness of lemon-lime soda.

  • Popularity: This drink has been a staple in bars worldwide, often ordered by those seeking a light and fizzy alcoholic beverage that's not overly complex.
  • Origins: While the exact origin is unclear, it's part of the family of drinks that mix a spirit with a soda, a practice dating back to the early 20th century.
  • Occasions: Perfect for summer gatherings, casual hangouts, or as a quick drink at the bar.

How Vodka 7 Tastes?

The Vodka 7 is a harmonious blend of sharp, clean vodka with the sweet and citrusy notes of lemon-lime soda. It's a light, bubbly, and refreshing cocktail with a subtle kick from the vodka that doesn't overpower the palate.

Interesting facts about Vodka 7

  • The Vodka 7 is often considered a 'starter cocktail' due to its simplicity and approachability.
  • It's a customizable drink; some prefer more vodka for a stronger taste, while others enjoy a splash of cranberry juice for a tart twist.
  • This cocktail is a cousin to the classic Vodka Soda, with the main difference being the addition of the lemon-lime flavor.


  • Vodka: 2 oz(60ml)
  • Lime juice: 0.5 oz(15ml)
  • Lemon lime soda: To top
  • Garnish: Lime wedge

A few good options for Vodka 7 are:

  • Grey Goose
  • Belvedere
  • Khor
  • Smirnoff

Learn everything on which Vodka to choose


  • Why 2 oz?: It's the standard shot size, providing a good balance of alcohol without being too overpowering.
  • Flavor and Balance: Provides the alcoholic backbone, warming sensation, and lets other flavors shine.
  • No Vodka?: You'd basically have a lime soda - refreshing but missing the 'kick'.
  • Alternatives: Using flavored vodka changes the profile; citrus vodka would amplify the tanginess.

Alex Green

Lime Juice

  • Why 0.5 oz?: Enough to add a tangy punch without making the drink too sour.
  • Flavor Finder: Adds freshness and acidity, balancing the sweetness of the soda.
  • Without it?: The cocktail would be a bit flat and overly sweet.
  • Alternatives: Lemon juice works, but it’s not as sweet as lime juice.

Emma Rose

Lemon-Lime Soda

  • To Top: Adjusts to personal taste and the size of your glass while offering effervescence.
  • Fizz Factor: Brings balance, sweetness, and makes the drink more thirst-quenching.
  • No Soda?: You'll miss out on the sparkling dynamic; the drink would be too stiff.
  • Alternatives: Club soda for less sugar, tonic for a bitter twist.

Mary Mitkina

Lime Wedge (Garnish)

  • The Eye Eats Too: A visual and flavorful complement to the drink.
  • Final Touch: Adds a fresh aroma and a zesty garnish bite if squeezed.
  • Without Garnish?: Purely aesthetic, but it's the details that make a cocktail great.
  • Alternatives: A lemon twist or a sprig of mint for a different look and aroma.

Alex Green

Recipe. How to make Vodka 7 Drink

  1. Fill a collins glass with ice cubes.
  2. Pour 2 oz of vodka over the ice.
  3. Squeeze in the juice of half a lime.
  4. Drop the lime wedge into the glass.
  5. Top with lemon-lime soda.
  6. Stir well.
  7. Serve with a straw and enjoy.

Pro Tips

  • Chill the Glass: To keep the drink colder for longer, chill the collins glass before preparing the cocktail.
  • Quality Vodka: The taste of the vodka is prominent in this simple cocktail, so opt for a good quality brand.
  • Gentle Stir: Stir gently to mix while retaining the soda's carbonation.

Perfect Pairings


  • Nachos: The citrus notes cut through the richness of the cheese.
  • Fried Calamari: The crisp and refreshing taste of the cocktail complements the seafood nicely.

Main Courses

  • Grilled Chicken: The simplicity of the cocktail won't overpower the flavor of the chicken.
  • Fish Tacos: Vodka 7's citrus edge pairs beautifully with the zestiness of the tacos.


  • Lemon Sorbet: Echoes the bright citrus flavors in the cocktail.

Non-Alcoholic Pairings

  • Water with Lemon: To keep the palate cleansed without overwhelming the taste buds.

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What you could change in Vodka 7

  • Vodka: Any high-quality vodka will do, but for a smoother taste, consider using a premium brand like Grey Goose or Belvedere.
  • Lemon-Lime Soda: If you prefer a less sweet drink, you can substitute with club soda and a splash of fresh lemon and lime juice.

Explore all drinks starting with V here

And of course - twists🍹

Cucumber Vodka 7

  • Ingredients: Substitute standard vodka with cucumber vodka.
  • Recipe: Follow the standard Vodka 7 recipe, replacing vodka with cucumber vodka.
  • Taste Change: The drink becomes even more refreshing with a garden-fresh twist.
  • Why: It's a perfect variant for those who enjoy lighter and more botanical flavors.

Spicy Vodka 7

  • Ingredients: Add a few slices of jalapeño to the cocktail.
  • Recipe: Muddle jalapeño slices in the glass before adding the ice and continuing with the standard recipe.
  • Taste Change: Adds a spicy kick that contrasts and complements the sweetness.
  • Why: Ideal for people looking for a cocktail with a bit of a punch.

Vodka 7 Berry Blast

  • Ingredients: Add a handful of mixed berries.
  • Recipe: Muddle berries at the bottom of the glass, then proceed with the standard recipe.
  • Taste Change: The berries add a fruity and slightly tart edge to the cocktail.
  • Why: A deliciously fruity variation for those who like a sweeter, more colorful drink.

In case you forgot basics how to make Vodka 7

Insert the spoon into the glass until it touches the bottom. Keep the back of the spoon against the inside wall of the glass, and stir in a smooth, circular motion. The goal is to swirl the ice and ingredients together without churning or splashing.

Learn everything on how to stir

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Frequently Asked Questions on Vodka 7

Can I make a batch of Vodka 7 in advance for a party?

Yes, you can mix the vodka and lime juice in advance and refrigerate it. Add the lemon-lime soda just before serving to ensure the drink remains fizzy.

What's the best way to garnish a Vodka 7?

While a lime wedge is a traditional garnish, you can also use a lemon twist or sprig of mint for a different twist.

Is Vodka 7 gluten-free?

Most plain vodkas are gluten-free, but always check the brand to ensure it meets your dietary restrictions.

How can I reduce the calorie content in a Vodka 7?

You can switch to a diet lemon-lime soda or increase the ratio of vodka to soda for a stronger but less caloric drink.

Can I use flavored vodka in a Vodka 7?

Absolutely! Flavored vodkas like citrus or berry can add a unique twist to your Vodka 7.

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