Embassy Cocktail Recipe

Embassy Cocktail Nutrition Facts






Created by

Nic Polotnianko

I fell in love with the art of mixology 6 years ago. Since then, I've honed my skills, crafting a myriad of cocktail recipes, and sharing my passion with other enthusiasts.

Last Updated: August 23, 2024


The Embassy Cocktail is a classic drink that dates back to the golden age of cocktails. It's a sophisticated choice, often enjoyed by those who appreciate the finer things in life.

  • Origins: The exact origins are somewhat murky, but it's believed to have been popular in the 1930s.
  • Popularity: It has seen a resurgence in recent years, thanks to the craft cocktail movement.
  • Fans: It's particularly favored by connoisseurs of traditional cocktails and history buffs.

How Embassy Cocktail Tastes?

The Embassy Cocktail offers a harmonious blend of warmth from the brandy, a smooth yet complex depth from the Jamaican rum, and a citrusy zing from the lime juice. The Cointreau adds a refined sweetness, while the bitters provide a subtle spiced undertone. It's a balanced, medium-bodied cocktail with a sophisticated edge.

Interesting facts about Embassy Cocktail

  • The Embassy Cocktail is often associated with the Rat Pack era, evoking images of suave sophistication.
  • It's a variation of the classic Sidecar cocktail, substituting rum for some of the brandy.
  • The cocktail is named after the Embassy Club in Hollywood, which was a popular haunt for celebrities during the 1930s.



  • Used for its rich, warming flavor, brandy gives depth to the Embassy Cocktail.
  • The quantity is enough to ensure its presence without overpowering the other ingredients.
  • Omitting it would leave the cocktail lacking in complexity and warmth.
  • A possible alternative could be cognac, which would bring a slightly different oak and vanilla nuance.

Mary Mitkina

Jamaican Rum

  • Jamaican rum adds a unique, smoky-sweet characteristic to the cocktail.
  • It's balanced with the other spirits to contribute to the overall tropical undertone without taking over.
  • Without it, you'd lose the cocktail's signature edge.
  • As an alternative, a dark rum from another region might impart a less smoky and more molasses-rich flavor.

Alex Green


  • A type of triple sec, Cointreau provides a clean, sweet, citrusy profile.
  • This amount ensures a noticeable orange flavor that complements the lime juice.
  • Skipping Cointreau would make the drink less round and vibrant.
  • An alternate could be another triple sec or curaçao, though these might be sweeter or have a slight artificial tone.

Emma Rose

Lime Juice

  • Adds freshness to cut through the sweetness and a tang to balance the flavors.
  • Too much could make the drink overly sour, while too little would make it too sweet.
  • A drink without lime juice would be flat and lack contrast.
  • Lemon juice could substitute for a different kind of citrus punch, albeit a bit sharper.

Mary Mitkina

Aromatic Bitters

  • They offer complexity and a hint of spice, marrying the other ingredients together.
  • A dash is just right to avoid overwhelming the flavors with bitterness.
  • Omitting bitters would make the cocktail one-dimensional.
  • Alternatives like orange bitters could offer a different spice profile, complimenting the Cointreau.

Alex Green

Lime Wedge

  • The garnish provides an inviting look and a burst of aroma with each sip.
  • Visually, it signifies the hint of citrus within the drink.
  • If you don’t garnish, the cocktail would still taste fine, but it's the final touch that elevates the cocktail experience.
  • An orange twist could be an alternative, echoing the orange flavors of the Cointreau.

Emma Rose

Recipe. How to make Embassy Cocktail Drink

  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Pour in the brandy, rum, Cointreau, lime juice, and bitters.
  3. Shake well until chilled.
  4. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
  5. Garnish with a lime wedge on the rim of the glass.

Pro Tips

  • Always use fresh lime juice for the best flavor.
  • Chill the cocktail glass before serving to keep the drink colder for longer.
  • A small dash of bitters goes a long way; don't overdo it.

Perfect Pairings

Food Pairings

  • Cheese Platters: The rich flavors of the Embassy Cocktail complement creamy and nutty cheeses like Brie and Gouda.
  • Grilled Meats: The smoky notes from the Jamaican rum can enhance the taste of grilled steaks or barbecued pork.
  • Seafood: Lightly seasoned seafood, especially shrimp or scallops, can be balanced out by the tang of the lime juice.
  • Chocolate Desserts: The sweetness of the Cointreau and the warmth from the brandy pair nicely with bitter dark chocolate.

Drink Pairings

  • Coffee: A strong espresso can be a great follow-up to the Embassy Cocktail, especially if sipped on a cool evening.
  • Sparkling Water: To cleanse the palate between sips, a glass of chilled sparkling water does the trick.

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What you could change in Embassy Cocktail

  • Brandy: You can use Cognac or Armagnac for a more nuanced flavor.
  • Jamaican Rum: A dark rum can be used, but it should be rich and flavorful.
  • Cointreau: Grand Marnier can be a substitute for a slightly different taste profile.

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And of course - twists🍹

Smoky Embassy

  • Swap out the Jamaican rum for a smoky mezcal.
  • Adjust the Cointreau to 1/2 oz to balance the potent smokiness of the mezcal.
  • This twist should give the cocktail a bolder smoky profile, perfect for those who love a touch of adventure in their glass.

Embassy Royale

  • Add a splash of champagne to the cocktail glass after straining.
  • Garnish with a raspberry instead of a lime wedge.
  • This bubbly variation will make the cocktail more festive and lighten up the flavor profile, ideal for celebrations.

Spicy Embassy

  • Muddle a few slices of jalapeño in the shaker before adding the other ingredients.
  • The spicy kick will transform the Embassy Cocktail into an exotic and tantalizing treat, great for those who seek a little heat.

In case you forgot basics how to make Embassy Cocktail

Add your ingredients to the shaker first, then ice. Fill it up to ¾ of its capacity to ensure enough space for shaking. Hold the shaker with both hands (one on the top and one on the bottom) and shake vigorously. The shake should come from your shoulders, not your wrists.

Learn everything on how to shake

Place your chosen strainer on top of the shaker or mixing glass, ensuring a secure fit. Pour the cocktail into a glass through the strainer, which will catch solid ingredients and ice. If double straining, hold the fine mesh strainer between the shaker and the glass.

Learn everything on how to strain

Garnishing a bar drink depends on the type of garnish and the cocktail. Generally, it involves preparing the garnish (like cutting a citrus wheel or picking a sprig of mint), and then adding it to the drink in a visually appealing way (like perching it on the rim or floating it on top).

Learn everything on garnishing

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Frequently Asked Questions on Embassy Cocktail

What type of glass is appropriate for serving the Embassy Cocktail?

The Embassy Cocktail is traditionally served in a chilled cocktail glass, often referred to as a martini glass.

How can I achieve the best chill on my cocktail?

For an optimally chilled cocktail, store your cocktail glass in the freezer for at least an hour before serving, and make sure the ingredients are well refrigerated. Always shake or stir the cocktail with plenty of ice before straining it into the glass.

What is the difference between aromatic bitters and other types of bitters?

Aromatic bitters are a blend of herbs, spices, roots, and other botanicals that provide a complex flavor profile. They differ from other bitters such as orange or Peychaud's, which have a more focused taste profile based on one primary ingredient.

Can the Embassy Cocktail be made in batches for parties?

While the Embassy Cocktail is typically made fresh, you can create a larger batch without the lime juice and bitters, storing it in the refrigerator. Add those two ingredients in the shaker when ready to serve for the freshest taste.

Is there a non-alcoholic version of the Embassy Cocktail?

To create a non-alcoholic version, you can substitute the brandy and rum with non-alcoholic spirits or apple juice, and use a non-alcoholic orange liqueur or orange juice in place of Cointreau.

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