Red Lobster Cocktail Recipe

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Red Lobster Nutrition Facts





Alcohol %:14

Created by

Nic Polotnianko

I fell in love with the art of mixology 6 years ago. Since then, I've honed my skills, crafting a myriad of cocktail recipes, and sharing my passion with other enthusiasts.

Last Updated: January 7, 2024


The Red Lobster cocktail is a delightful concoction that was first served at the famous Red Lobster seafood restaurant chain. It's a fruity, refreshing drink that's perfect for those who enjoy a sweet, tropical taste. It's a popular choice among those who prefer lighter cocktails and is often enjoyed on warm summer evenings or at beach-themed parties.

How Red Lobster Tastes?

The Red Lobster cocktail is a sweet, fruity, and refreshing drink. It has a tropical taste with a hint of tanginess from the pineapple juice. The coconut rum adds a creamy, exotic flavor that complements the fruitiness of the cocktail.

Interesting facts about Red Lobster

  • The Red Lobster cocktail is named after the restaurant chain where it was first served.
  • It's a tropical cocktail that's perfect for summer.
  • The cocktail is known for its sweet, fruity taste and refreshing qualities.


Pineapple Juice

The pineapple juice is the tropical backbone of this cocktail, providing a sweet and tart flavor. Using 4oz gives just the right balance without overpowering the rum. If you skimp on the juice, you'll miss the tropical punch; too much, and it becomes a fruity, less boozy beverage. If you're out of pineapple juice, mango juice could be a fun substitute, although it'll be a tad sweeter.

Mary Mitkina

Coconut Rum

With 2oz of coconut rum, you're infusing the drink with a mellow coconut flavor that screams 'beachside'. Too little, and you could lose the coconut signature; too much might lead to a cocktail that's more sunscreen than sip-worthy. No coconut rum? Try vanilla rum for a different but equally intriguing profile.

Mary Mitkina


Grenadine adds a pop of sweet pomegranate flavor and creates the 'red' in Red Lobster. The 1oz suggested provides a visual allure and a flavor counterpoint to the tartness of the pineapple juice without turning the drink into a syrupy mess. Less grenadine, and your drink lacks color and sweetness. Replace with raspberry syrup if grenadine is unavailable; you’ll get a similar color, but a slightly different fruity note.

Alex Green

Ice Cubes

Ah, ice cubes! They keep the cocktail cold and properly diluted. A 1 cup is the sweet zone for chilling without over-diluting. Ditch the ice, and you'll get a warm and stronger drink. Too much ice, and it's like the Titanic's last cocktail hour — too watered down.

Mary Mitkina

Maraschino Cherry

The maraschino cherry is the garnishing cherry on top! It adds a classic cocktail look and offers a sweet end-note if the drinker chooses to indulge. No cherry? No panic! Although you'll miss the iconic look, an orange zest twist can add a different aromatic experience without the sweetness.

Mary Mitkina

Orange Slice

And finally, the orange slice. It provides a citrusy aroma and a hint of fresh flavor. It's not just for show; it subtly influences the aroma which affects taste. Leave it out, and nobody would call the cocktail police, but why miss that chance of extra zest?

Alex Green

Recipe. How to make Red Lobster Drink

  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
  2. Add the pineapple juice, coconut rum, and grenadine to the shaker.
  3. Shake well until the mixture is well chilled.
  4. Strain the cocktail into a glass filled with ice cubes.
  5. Garnish with a maraschino cherry and an orange slice.

Pro Tips

  • Make sure to shake the cocktail well to ensure the flavors are well combined.
  • Use fresh pineapple juice for the best flavor.
  • Chill your glass before serving for an extra refreshing drink.

Perfect Pairings


A Red Lobster cocktail, with its tropical vibe, pairs wonderfully with seafood dishes. Consider pairing with grilled shrimp, lobster tails, or a crab salad. The sweetness from the pineapple juice and grenadine will complement the natural salinity of the seafood.

Spicy Foods

The sweetness and the fruity flavors of the cocktail would also contrast nicely with spicy dishes such as Thai or Caribbean cuisines, helping to cool down the palate.


Coconut-infused desserts like a coconut cream pie or pineapple upside-down cake would echo the flavors in the drink for a cohesive end to a meal.

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What you could change in Red Lobster

  • If you don't have coconut rum, you can use regular rum and a splash of coconut milk.
  • You can substitute the pineapple juice with orange juice for a different flavor.

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And of course - twists🍹

Spicy Red Lobster

Ingredients: 4oz Pineapple Juice, 2oz Coconut Rum, 1oz Grenadine, 1 tbsp Spicy Mango Syrup, 1 cup Ice, 1 Maraschino Cherry, 1 Orange Slice

Recipe: Add a spicy twist by including a tablespoon of spicy mango syrup to the mixture. Shake with the rest of the ingredients and strain into a glass. The spicy syrup will add a kick to the drink, creating a sweet and spicy balance that thrill-seekers will enjoy.

Blue Lagoon Lobster

Ingredients: 4oz Pineapple Juice, 2oz Coconut Rum, 1oz Blue Curaçao, 1 cup Ice, 1 Lime Wheel

Recipe: Substitute grenadine with blue curaçao to create a vibrant blue appearance. This twist would taste less sweet, with a slight bitter orange edge from the blue curaçao. Garnish with a lime wheel instead of the cherry and orange slice for a fresh twist on the classic.

Virgin Red Lobster

Ingredients: 4oz Pineapple Juice, 2oz Coconut Water, 1oz Grenadine, 1 cup Ice, Maraschino Cherry, Orange Slice

Recipe: For a non-alcoholic version, use coconut water instead of coconut rum. The drink remains tropical and refreshing but without the kick of the rum. It's perfect for those who want the flavor without the alcohol.

In case you forgot basics how to make Red Lobster

Add your ingredients to the shaker first, then ice. Fill it up to ¾ of its capacity to ensure enough space for shaking. Hold the shaker with both hands (one on the top and one on the bottom) and shake vigorously. The shake should come from your shoulders, not your wrists.

Learn everything on how to shake

Place your chosen strainer on top of the shaker or mixing glass, ensuring a secure fit. Pour the cocktail into a glass through the strainer, which will catch solid ingredients and ice. If double straining, hold the fine mesh strainer between the shaker and the glass.

Learn everything on how to strain

Garnishing a bar drink depends on the type of garnish and the cocktail. Generally, it involves preparing the garnish (like cutting a citrus wheel or picking a sprig of mint), and then adding it to the drink in a visually appealing way (like perching it on the rim or floating it on top).

Learn everything on garnishing

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Frequently Asked Questions on Red Lobster

Can this cocktail be made into a frozen drink?

Yes, you certainly can. Just blend all the ingredients with crushed ice until smooth.

What type of glass is best for serving the Red Lobster cocktail?

This cocktail is best served in a highball glass or any tall and slender glass.

If I'm not a fan of coconut rum, is there another alcohol I can use instead?

Yes, you could opt for another type of rum such as white or dark. You are also able to experiment with other spirits like vodka or tequila.

Aside from an orange slice, what other fruits can I use as garnish?

A pineapple slice or a lemon slice would make a great garnish for this cocktail.

How can I make this cocktail less sweet?

You can easily adjust the sweetness of this cocktail by reducing the amount of grenadine.

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